Bind source path does not exist: <- But it does exist

Discovered what it was. Something dealing with installing Docker from ‘store’ causing it to be the SNAP docker version.

Simple fix steps for me:

  • remove all docker:
    sudo apt remove docker*
  • remove all snap docker:
    sudo snap remove docker (I removed wmdocker also)
  • sudo apt autoremove (it kept asking me to do it so once I did, I could reinstall docker below)
  • reinstall docker form instructions (again): Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu | Docker Docs
  • Success!!!

How I discovered it:
At first, I just removed docker (I thought) and installed from here. Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu | Docker Docs This didnt fix it but gave me an oddity which led me to the solution.

At first I was excited. I could then --mount bind to /srv! So tried the next directory. “/srv/DOCKER” but it gave me the doesn’t exist error again. So next was just toe delete the container and something new happened. It would give me “cannot stop container: 426ddb746d4f: permission denied” Digging into that error led me to the solution. @ stackoverflow (google ->docker-containers-can-not-be-stopped-or-removed-permission-denied-error"

So that led me to the SNAP issue with AppArmor. Had to issue this: sudo aa-remove-unknown which removes unknown. It removed it and I could then stop the docker container. I then looked at all the SNAP stuff. Guess what was there? Docker and WMDocker. Removed those, removed all docker anything, reinstalled it. Good as gold.

Hope this helps someone!

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