Hey people!
Probably I am stupid, but I am looking now for nearly 4 hours for a solution of my current problem. Maybe someone can help me here:
I created a Python-script which is able to download a file from an Object Store. It works like this:
- user: $ python3 s3download.py <filename>
I wrote a Dockerfile with the content:
- ADD s3download.py .
- …
- CMD [“sh”, “-c”, “python3”, “s3download.py”, "${files}]
After I created the image, I ran the container:
- docker run -it -e files="<filename>" <imagename> /bin/bash
Sadly, it did not work, when I checked the folder. No files there. Still inside the container, I typed in (by hand):
- python3 s3download.py $files
And it worked. So no problems with python3, the script oder env vars in general.
In the 4 hours of searching I found several structure ideas like:
- CMD [“sh”, “-c”, "python3, “s3download.py ${files}”]
- CMD [“sh”, “-c”, “python3 s3download.py ${files}”]
- CMD [“sh”, “-c”, “python3”, “s3download.py”, “$files”]
- CMD python3 s3download.py ${files}
- CMD python3 s3download.py $files
- …
And a million others. I tested all of them. None of these works.