Forgive me, If I am all wrong. I haven’t seen the video, but I have a hunch about what might be the situation and the cause
If a container uses a file watch for a folder that is bound from the host into the container, then it can’t work with Docker Desktop if files are edited on the host.
Usually file notification frameworks depend on inotify on Linux, which itself relies on kernel filesystem. If files are edited on the host, the host kernel will register the filesystem events. Since Docker Desktop always runs the docker engine in a utility vm, the container will use the kernel of utiltiy vm, and as such will not be able to register on filesytem events of the host.
It should work with docker-ce though.
Update: my bad, I just looked into the example projects. It’s the native Docker Desktop watch feature of Docker Compose. Forget what I wrote, of course this feature should work.