Docker Container with ssh and memory

Hi all,

I have the following Dockerfile and Im trying to make a copy for each of my co-workes (3) with there own names , remote ssh access and 1gb memory.

FROM centos

Install all packages

RUN yum -y install epel-release && yum clean all
RUN yum -y install sudo && yum clean all
RUN yum -y install vim && yum clean all
RUN yum -y install curl && yum clean all
RUN yum -y install git && yum clean all
RUN yum -y install tree && yum clean all
RUN pip install python 3.7

RUN yum -y install ansible && yum clean all
RUN pip install netmiko

#Upgrade setuptools
RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools

#Install Napalm
RUN pip install napalm
RUn pip install napalm-ios
RUn pip install napalm-junos

I tried a few thinsk but is not working.