DOcker not found message coming even though it is there

I have account shy123789 but still while pushing it is not working. Please suggest

Picture didn’t upload

And anyway, please paste code in a formatted way rather than uploading pictures

PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker images
REPOSITORY                               TAG                              IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
aspnetapp                                v2                               d9b394cea36c   21 hours ago    793MB
Shy123789/aspnetapp                      v1                               5e7928e26f83   21 hours ago    803MB
devops                                   agentv2                          67145bf36594   10 days ago     11.2GB   4.8-windowsservercore-ltsc2022   1f2bf7791fbe   5 weeks ago     9GB        3.1                              f1803e2bc25b   21 months ago   776MB             3.1                              f1803e2bc25b   21 months ago   776MB
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker image push Shy123789/aspnetapp:v1
The push refers to repository [Shy123789/aspnetapp]
Get "https://Shy123789/v2/": dial tcp: lookup Shy123789: no such host
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker image push Shy123789/aspnetapp:v1
The push refers to repository [Shy123789/aspnetapp]
Get "https://Shy123789/v2/": dial tcp: lookup Shy123789: no such host

I believe image names (path, not tag) can only contain lowercase letters

Are you sure your Docker username is Shy123789 and not shy123789? try that as the image path

I tried with lowercase letters also

PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker image push shy123789/aspnetapp:v1
The push refers to repository []
An image does not exist locally with the tag: shy123789/aspnetapp
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker image push shy123789/aspnetapp:v2
The push refers to repository []
An image does not exist locally with the tag: shy123789/aspnetapp
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp>

Of course, your image is tagged Shy123789/aspnetapp:v1, you didn’t change the image tag to shy123789/aspnetapp:v1, so Docker has no idea what image you’re trying to push

I changed now but still i see as below

PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker image push Shy123789/aspnetapp:v1
The push refers to repository [Shy123789/aspnetapp]
Get "https://Shy123789/v2/": dial tcp: lookup Shy123789: no such host

You are still using a CAPITAL S

Yes, but either way it is giving error.

PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker images
REPOSITORY                               TAG                              IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
aspnetapp                                v2                               d9b394cea36c   21 hours ago    793MB
Shy123789/aspnetapp                      v1                               5e7928e26f83   21 hours ago    803MB
devops                                   agentv2                          67145bf36594   10 days ago     11.2GB   4.8-windowsservercore-ltsc2022   1f2bf7791fbe   5 weeks ago     9GB        3.1                              f1803e2bc25b   21 months ago   776MB             3.1                              f1803e2bc25b   21 months ago   776MB
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker image push Shy123789/aspnetapp:v1
The push refers to repository [Shy123789/aspnetapp]
Get "https://Shy123789/v2/": dial tcp: lookup Shy123789: no such host
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker image push Shy123789/aspnetapp:v1
The push refers to repository [Shy123789/aspnetapp]
Get "https://Shy123789/v2/": dial tcp: lookup Shy123789: no such host
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker image push shy123789/aspnetapp:v1
The push refers to repository []
An image does not exist locally with the tag: shy123789/aspnetapp
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker image push shy123789/aspnetapp:v2
The push refers to repository []
An image does not exist locally with the tag: shy123789/aspnetapp
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker image push Shy123789/aspnetapp:v1
The push refers to repository [Shy123789/aspnetapp]
Get "https://Shy123789/v2/": dial tcp: lookup Shy123789: no such host
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp> docker image push shy123789/aspnetapp:v1
The push refers to repository []
An image does not exist locally with the tag: shy123789/aspnetapp
PS C:\Users\LAPSAdmin\dockerdotnet\dotnetcore-samples\aspnetapp>

We’re running in circles, I told you your problems, you did nothing to fix them

First, you tried pushing an image with a capital letter - That will not work

Then you tried pushing the image named correctly, BUT YOU DID NOT TAG THE IMAGE

Then you went back to error 1, and now we’re again at error 2

docker tag Shy123789/aspnetapp:v1 shy123789/aspnetapp:v1
Then push it!

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Thank you, I have corrected that step, and it worked.

My apologies for losing my temper, I should not visit the forums first thing in the morning :sweat_smile:

Glad it worked out

That’s alright. It took me some time to comprehend it. There’s no need to worry :slight_smile: