Docker Windows, Jacobalberty/unifi, lost configuration

Hello dear forum,

I am relatively new on docker and I think there is a small misconfiguration with an big impact for my setup.

Problem: After restarting the Windows-Server-Hardware, I have to configure my unifi-setup new … always, after every restart.

Actual setup:
a) I installed the official Docker/Windows package (Linux-Setup), after that the Jacobalberty/Unifi Image and startet it with the following shell-command:
docker run -p 3478:3478/udp -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -p 6789:6789 -v /docker/unifi/:/var/lib/unifi --restart=always --name unifi jacobalberty/unifi:latest

b) I wanted my “docker-container and there configuration-files” on an 2 hard-disk (ntfs). In my case: D:\Docker\unifi
Especially because I wanted to drege mei configfiles outside the “working container”. I read, that this will be necessary for permanent using these data.

c) Because I am not very familiare with the shell, I switched to the kitematic-interface, stopped the container, checked the ports and configured the “volume” in the following manner:

Docker Folder > Local Folder

/unifi > \host_mnt\d\Docker\unifi
/var/lib/unifi > \host_mnt\d\Docker\unifi
/var/run/unifi > \host_mnt\d\Docker\unifi

Advanced Option: “Enable always restart” is activated

Any ideas, how fixing that?! After my fourth try, I am a little bit annoyed, now :wink:

Thanks very much in advance!

The problem seems to be the link to the datatabase on the windows-shares. There are some discussions for that. I found no solution, which I could configure and changed to the windows-app (java) of Unifi.

Thanks very much