I am sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. I have googled for this; and not found much. Wanted to ask a quick question. I see many no such image requests for images by the name of docker123321/**** in my syslogs across all of my machines. I did some googling and found that these were recent images that were removed from the the public repos etc. I am wanting to verify that these errors are actually a good thing and that i can safely ignore them? Is dockerd doing the request and verifying they are not installed and if so it would do something?
All of this form… they happen every roughly 4 hours like clockwork.
[Aug 06 04:08:07] hostname dockerd: time=“2018-08-06T11:08:07.470895291Z” level=error msg=“Handler for GET /v1.27/images/docker123321/kk/json returned error: No such image: docker123321/kk”