Error on executing NavContainerHelper functions/commands on Docker Container from Host

Hey guys,

I’m struggling with performing commands on my running docker instance from my host and haven’t been able to find anything that could solve my issue - been browsing here on the forums the past couple of hours while trying different things but still nothing works.
I am using NavContainerHelper to create my docker image, this works 100%. After I have created it, I want to execute a couple of commands that has to be executed in the order they are written in. It always fails on the execution of functions I loaded in from the first docker exec calling the navModelTools.ps1 script. Errors from these executions say that the called command / function does not exist.

I also tried with the ’ Export-NAVContainerObjects -containerName $CONTAINER_NAME -objectsFolder “C:\ProgramData\NavContainerHelper\Extensions$CONTAINER_NAME\my” -sqlCredential (get-credential -credential ‘admin’) -filter “” ’ command, this one will Always fail and give an error on ‘The input ContainerId 45c55ead3f2ecfb2a66bdeedca4221b1e14587cce6cbe745aee24d33a7e95392 does not exist, or the corresponding container is not running’.

So I am kinda at a loss of what to do. Below is a codesnip of the commands I execute, in same order:

New-NavContainer @params -accept_eula -containerName $CONTAINER_NAME -imageName $imageName -includeCSide -doNotExportObjectsToText -licenseFile $licenseFilePath -credential $credential

docker exec -ti $CONTAINER_NAME powershell $navModelToolsPath @params -NavIde $finSqlExePath

docker exec -ti $CONTAINER_NAME powershell -command $navModelToolsPath @params -NavIde $finSqlExePath

docker exec -ti $CONTAINER_NAME powershell -command Export-NAVApplicationObject @params -DatabaseName $databaseName -Path $objectsFile -DatabaseServer $databaseServer -Force | Out-Null

docker exec -ti $CONTAINER_NAME powershell -command Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile @params -Source $objectsFile -Destination $objectsFolder

docker exec -ti $CONTAINER_NAME powershell -command Remove-Item @params -Path $objectsFile -Force -ErrorAction Ignore

Thought I would give it a try to do a new install of the NavContainerHelper just to see if it would do anything for me. And so it did :slight_smile: Fixed: