Failed migration: failed to update app version history [macOS 10.12 beta)

Still persists on

Docker for Mac: version: mac-v1.12.0-beta20
OS X: version 10.12 (build: 16A254g)

[ERROR]  docker-cli
         cannot find docker
         docker-cli check failed with: Failure("docker -v: timeout after 10.00s")
[OK]     app
[OK]     moby-syslog
[OK]     virtualization
[OK]     menubar
[OK]     system
[ERROR]  osxfs
         com.docker.osxfs is not running
[ERROR]  db
         Connection refused (ECONNREFUSED) connecting to /Users/admin/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40: check if service is running
         com.docker.db is not running
[ERROR]  slirp
         Connection refused (ECONNREFUSED) connecting to /Users/admin/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s51: check if service is running
         com.docker.slirp is not running
[OK]     moby-console
[OK]     logs
[ERROR]  vmnetd
         /var/tmp/com.docker.vmnetd.socket does not exist
         Unexpected error (No such file or directory) connecting to /var/tmp/com.docker.vmnetd.socket
         /private/tmp/vmnetd/com.docker.vmnetd is not running
[OK]     env
[OK]     moby
[ERROR]  driver.amd64-linux -db is not running

DiagnosticID 9BD4A950-2B07-413E-8D78-FE56313CD7C8