Failed to load listeners: no sockets found via socket activation: make sure the service was started by systemd

Hi iniOr,

I had the same issue under Ubuntu 18.04.

My problem was caused by the fact that I had in the past overrode the value of ExecStart of the docker service. I had copied the original ExecStart including -H fd:// which after recent update stopped working. I’ve noticed that the orignal docker.service file now contains -H unix:// instead. I can see in the data You’ve sent that Your service is using -H fd:// as well.

So the solution that worked for me was to edit the docker’s systemd unit file and change the ExecStart:
sudo systemctl edit docker.service

The value that I had to override was ExecStart and I had to change fd:// to unix://:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H unix://

Best Regards,