Failed to resolve a path when in Docker Overlay2 environment

I’ve a problem with Docker Overlay2. After the export of a VM in ESXi with CentOS 7 OS I encountered this error

(dm-0): Metadata CRC error detected at xfs_allocbt_read_verify… dm-0 error

and I’ve solved with xfs_repair /dev/dm-0 command. When I start the OS I’ve these errors

overlayfs: failed to resolve /var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/… overlay2 errors.

I’ve stopped docker and updated /etc/docker/daemon.json file with “storage-driver”: “overlay2” but when I start docker and check the status, the errors persists.

Thanks in advance.

Help me to understand something. Did you have overlay2 as storage driver on the original machine or you had something like devicemapper or XFS and now you want to switch to overlay2?

/var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/ contains symbolic links and it looks like those links are broken.