How can I SSH into the Beta's MobyLinuxVM

You can already mount the Docker socket, and instead of trying to use a binary from the Moby host, you can run a container that has the Docker CLI binary in it, like this one: Docker

Iā€™m just learning about docker volumes and try to figure out how to copy files from volume (for back-up purpose for example) and the first thing that come to my head was to SSH to MobyLinuxVM. But apparently itā€™s imposible.
Does anybody know how actually Iā€™m supposed to copy content of docker volumes in Docker for Windows?

Does anybody know how actually Iā€™m supposed to copy content of docker volumes in Docker for Windows?

Start a container with the volume and use docker cp: docker cp | Docker Docs

Thank you!
I managed to copy files from mounted volume by passing containerā€™s destination path of mounted volume :slight_smile:
But is it possible to copy volumeā€™s data from volume that is not mounted (unused)? Do I always need to mount volume to container to copy itā€™s content?

Not with Docker for Mac or Windows

Is it now possible to navigate into MobyLinuxVM in a secure way? I need to change conf of some file of the MobyLinnuxVM but i cannot find a safe solutionā€¦

I would like to see this enabled too.

Can I use your concept to mount a network drive on the host (MobyLinuxVM)?

Iā€™m executing the following, but I think it is actually mounting the network drive to the temporary container

docker run --net=host --ipc=host --uts=host --pid=host -it --security-opt=seccomp=unconfined --privileged --rm -v /:/host alpine /bin/sh
chroot /host
mkdir -p /mnt/fs01.mycompany.loc/y_drive
mount -t cifs //fs01.mycompany.loc/y_drive /mnt/fs01.mycompany.loc/y_drive -o username=myusername,password=mypassword

Do you know how I can mount a network drive on the host (MobyLinuxVM)? Iā€™m trying to find a workaround to what seems to be limitations in docker.

Now, do you have a better solution?

How can I found out Kafka installed inside MobyLinuxVM. I need to modify

To Docker Staff, just so you knowā€¦
Iā€™m experimenting with Flexeraā€™s InstallAnywhere 2018. It supports creating Docker images from other InstallAnywhere installers. However, after installing Docker for Windows, I canā€™t go any further than this error message from InstallAnywhere:
ā€œDocker engine is running successfully
SSH connection to Docker engine host was unsuccessful.ā€

I have installed the latest stable Docker for Windows (as available from the download link as of November 2018):
docker --version
Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a

Would you PLEASE enable SSH in Docker for Windows !

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Dear Docker Staff: You have seen that the call for this capability is overwhelming but there is a stunning silence - when will we be able to SSH into docker VM?

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I am also in need of the ability to ssh (or some other form of access) into the VM running the docker daemon. I am having issues getting Docker for Windows to run behind a corporate proxy and it seems to me that setting the proxy configuration on that VM might be a fix for my issue.

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Please made it possible to ssh into the host VM. Or, at least, please made it possible to change the daemonā€™s configuration file via the desktop UI.