How to address Docker container via hostname (IPVLAN, ADGUARD, Unifi)

Dear community,

in my private network, I have an Ubuntu Server running Docker. There are a couple of containers, most of which have web-UI.

To keep the containers separated and to have them in different VLANs, I use 2 different docker network types: ipvlan vs. macvlan.

Those containers in a macvlan, I can address via their hostname. All the containers on ipvlan, I cannot.


  • My HomeAssistant is on (-> Docker macvlan network) and can be reached via http://homeassistant.internal:8123/.
  • My mediawiki is on (-> Docker ipvlan network) and can only be reached via ip-address.

This is the network in question. Well, the comand to set it up:

docker network create -d ipvlan \
    --subnet= \
    --gateway= \
	--aux-address="Ubuntu-Docker-Server=" \
    -o ipvlan_mode=l2 -o parent=eno1 ipvlan70
  • Why does it work with macvlan and not with ipvlan? I don’t remember the specifics and would be happy, if someone could explain.
  • Is there a way to tell the containers on ipvlan to make themselves known to my DNS (Unifi USG-3P)?
  • There is a AdGuardHome-Container running in my network. Do I need to map IP-Address to domainname there?

Thank you very much,

EDIT: there is one container, which is on the same macvlan as the others and I cannot reach it via domain name.

    container_name: esphome
    hostname: esphome
    domainname: esphome.internal
      - /home/uadmin/Docker/HomeAssistant/esphome_config:/config
      - 6052:6052
    restart: unless-stopped
#    privileged: true
#    deploy:
#      resources:
#         limits:
#            memory: 128mb
      driver: gelf
        gelf-address: udp://
        tag: esphome
      - TZ=Europe/Zurich
#      - PUID=1000
#      - PGID=1000


I guess it is because ipvlan assigns the host’s mac address to the containers while macvlan assigns new mac addresses. I don’t have experience with Unifi, but if it recognizes the hosts by mac address and you don’t have DNS records assigned to the IP addresses directly, it won’t work. When I assign an IP manually to a machine on my LAN, I have to choose the mac address and type the IP. This is how the router knows about the machine. I can map hostnames to IP addresses, but for that I have to use static IPs. It is probably similar to what happens when I just add a new IP address to an interface on the host.

From where? From another container on the same macvlan?

I would say even if you use macvlan, it is better if you use static IPs and set DNS records or just edit a hosts file on the router.

If your containers on the same host, you can also use a bridge network as a second network so your containers could be on macvlan, but could use the bridge network to communicate with eachother on the same host and refer to a container using the container name or compose service name.

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Hi @rimelek,
thank you for your quick help.

This explains another observation. On the list of clients in my Unifi Network Application, the macvlan containers are all there - I thought because they are on different Unifi-VLANs. The containers on the 192.168.70.x-range are missing. (Or more correct: the IP-address changes every couple of seconds
) Obviously, because they have all the same mac-address.

The Ubuntu server is on Would it work, if I create a mac-vlan, that distributes IPs from the 192.168.70.x-range? (I thought I tried this, but I ran into trouble, as the Ubuntu server and the docker containers would be in the same Unifi-VLAN and on the same Switch Port


Either your macvlan uses a different vlan or at least a dedicated iprange. So for example you can use the existing vlan if you can configure the router to assign IP addresses from a smaller ip range like which is between and and I think you could set your macvlan subnet to to use only half of the entire IP range or set the ip range of the hosts in the aux-address if it is possible. I don’t use macvlan, so I don’t know, but the documentation shows a single IP not an ip range in aux-address.

If I want to define a hostname and domainname for a container, is this the right way to do it? (compose.yaml)

    container_name: esphome
    hostname: esphome
    domainname: esphome.internal

I just stumbled across my ip-vlan setup:

# Server-Netz (VLAN 70)
docker network create -d ipvlan \
    --subnet= \
    --gateway= \
    --aux-address="Ubuntu-Docker-Server=" \
    -o ipvlan_mode=l2 -o parent=eno1 ipvlan70

Is this correct? Should the parent be eno1.70, as the containers in that network should end up on that VLAN? (well, according to the Unifi Network Application, they are on VLAN 70

Yes, but how it affects DNS with macvlan, I can’t tell.

I really don’t use macvlan and ipvlan and network configuration is not my favourite topic, but the best if you test accessing containers using the macvlan addresses from other machines. If it works, then the configuration must be correct. I don’t know your network, so I can’t tell you what the correct configuration is. If I had to configure it, I would test it too :slight_smile:

I would guess if eno1.70 is the vlan interface, that should be the parent, but I would not like to speculate more.

My HomeAssistant Container, where the domain name is working, is probably alpine based. Do you know, where I can find the defined domain name within the container? I had a look into /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts, but the domain name is not there. Where else to look?

I just had a look into the json of an ipvlan-container. There is no mac-address at all.

Within Docker documentation:

IPvlan is similar to Macvlan, but doesn’t assign unique MAC addresses to containers. Consider using IPvlan when there’s a restriction on the number of MAC addresses that can be assigned to a network interface or port.


I tested IPVLAN in a differenct VLAN then the server, but doesn’t help. I will try the macvlan next week and report back.

Thank you for your time and help anyway!

I think I have lost the thread. What domain name are you looking for? I try to summarize what I tried to suggest so far. Maybe I was not clear enough and that’s why I don’t understand your last posts:

  • You need DNS resolution to map an IP address to a domain name.
  • DNS resolution works between containers on user-defined bridge networks (the kind that Docker Compose creates too) so you can use compose service names or container names as hostnames
  • on MACVLAN you there is no such DNS resolution provided by Docker automatically
  • You can have MACVLAN (or IPVLAN) and user-defined bridge network attached to one container as long as both containers are attached to the same bridge network.
  • On MACVLAN (and this is a guess based on how it works on a usual LAN) the router can automatically recognize the hostname of a machine or in this case a container and make it available for DNS resolution, but for that you need unique MAC addresses, as this is how the router identifies the machine.
  • As you quoted from the documentation as well, IPVLAN doesn’t provide unique MAC addresses.That’s why it is “IP” vlan and not “MAC” vlan. So the router will see the MAC of the host.
  • In case of IPVLAN, you most likely need to set DNS records on a DNS server. That could be a router too.

So if you want to use the hostname and domainname parameters of a compose service to set DNS records, that will probably work only on MACVLAN. If you want a specific container to access another container with a known IP on IPVLAN using a hostname, you can use the extra_hosts parameter in compose, which will indeed edit the hosts file in the container (actually created on the host and bind mounted into it) Unfortunately I 'm not sure what domain name you were looking for.

What did you test? Network connection or DNS resolution?

Hi @rimelek.

thank you very much for your summary.
I guess, I understood now the difference of ipvlan and macvlan and its implications on domain name resolution.

I have spent last night further looking into my issue. Domain name resolution still not working. It took me a while to realize that Adguard Home is gathering a list of clients, including their domain names. This list is not properly updating and I don’t (yet) understand why.

To summarize:
Those domains on that client list are instantly resolved, as I expect them to. All other containers are only reachable via IP. So, this is not a Docker issue. :slight_smile:

A side note on this:

    container_name: esphome
    hostname: esphome
    domainname: esphome.internal

I had a look into the /etc/hosts file and there is esphome.esphome.internal. The configuration in the compose.yaml should be the following to get the wished URL esphome.internal.

    container_name: esphome
    hostname: esphome
    domainname: internal

Again: thank you very much for your time and help. I will open up discussions on the Adguard Community and eventually in the Unifi Community to get this solved.

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I did some more digging. Here is, what I have found out.

My Unifi Gateway writes every device, that ever connected to my network, into the /etc/hosts-File. Over the last 5 years, this has become a very long list. For some IP-addresses, there have been several entries with different domain names.
Well, almost all devices. This seems to be true for all physical clients, which receive their IP-address via DHCP-reservations.

After having deleted all entries from the hosts-file, my gateway is gathering all the data again. This time, the entries have the correct domain names and access via domain name is possible.

All my docker containers have not (yet) been discovered by my Gateway. I don’t know, why some of them had been added before.

There seem to be three ways to solve the dns-resolution problem:

  • manual entries in the hosts-file of the Unifi Gateway
  • Within the Unifi Network Application, I could manually create DNS-entries. (The Application doesn’t allow me, if the mac-address is already known
  • I could use AdGuard Home as a DNS-Server and manually add the DNS-entries there. (I decided to give pi-hole a try as well


  • I have learned how to define the hostname and domain name for docker containers. :slight_smile:
  • I have learned the difference between ipvlan and macvlan. I will change everything to macvlan, as I would like to see all my containers in the Unifi Client Overview.
  • The issue was not the reverse-DNS from AdGuard Home, but a messy hosts-file on my Unifi Gateway.

Hope, this will help some other lost hobby-network-specialists, such as my self :wink: