How to build out docker engine arm binary?

Hi, meyay,

Thanks for reply, I followd your shared link & use make DOCKER_CROSSPLATFORMS=linux/arm/v7 cross to build.

Finally I got next:

orange@orange:~/docker/bundles/cross/linux/arm/v7$ ls | xargs file
dockerd:            symbolic link to dockerd-dev
dockerd-dev:        ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically 
linked, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, 
BuildID[sha1]=8c2ec4d261986cee4657dabe773aeca0b32056e3, not stripped
dockerd-dev.md5:    ASCII text
dockerd-dev.sha256: ASCII text

You can see I can just get dockerd arm version, where is other binary like containerd, ctr, docker, docker-init, docker-proxy, runc?

But in x64 linux pc version, I can see next, all binary pc version there, what happened for arm version? I just wonder how docker official manage ?

orange@orange:~/docker/bundles/binary-daemon$ ls
containerd              ctr              dockerd-dev.sha256          docker-init.sha256        rootlesskit-docker-proxy.md5     runc.sha256
containerd.md5          ctr.md5         docker-proxy              rootlesskit-docker-proxy.sha256  vpnkit
containerd.sha256       ctr.sha256     docker-proxy.md5          rootlesskit.md5                  vpnkit.md5
containerd-shim         dockerd  docker-proxy.sha256       rootlesskit.sha256               vpnkit.sha256
containerd-shim.md5     dockerd-dev      docker-init                 rootlesskit               runc
containerd-shim.sha256  dockerd-dev.md5  docker-init.md5             rootlesskit-docker-proxy  runc.md5