How to run a insecure-registry

Hi , I am trying to run a insecure-registry and when i am trying to create the registry pod using yaml file i am seeing the below error

Failed to pull image “”: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: received unexpected HTTP status: 502 Bad Gateway

Can any one help me in resolving this issue?

I have added the required entries in the config files to make the registry as in-secure and could see the same in the output of docker version.

Experimental: false
Insecure Registries:
Live Restore Enabled: false

Forgot to mention i have also tried deploying the image from this insecure registry directly from the Kubernetes Dashboard also seeing the same error even there. also facing the same error while trying to execute it with the yaml file.

request for some expertise comments for resolving the issue.


I am able to see the registry listed as insecure registry when i check from docker info command.

But while trying to deploy the image from kubernetes dashboard seeing the 502 bad gate way error.

I have not installed any certificates.
i can also see the image s in the repository

curl -s -S

Can some one help me in fixing this?
