I got exception: Trying to create PDF using chromium blink while running in Window Docker

Net Core 2.1/3.1
Chrome version: 77.0.3865.90
Windows 10

I’m trying to perform HTML to PDF conversion with the class library in Window Docker using NET Core 2.1/3.1. The HTML converter has some additional chromium binaries to generate the PDF document and we have included those binaries in a docker container.

The actual issue is, when we run the application for converting URL to pdf using chromium headless mode. We have a button for conversion, whenever we tried the perform the HTML to PDF conversion. It does not launch the chromium process in windows docker, and then it will launch the “Operation taking longer than expected error” and error on click of the terminate button.

I have also tried some command-line arguments to launch the browser,("–no-sandbox"), ("–disable-extensions"), ("–disable-setuid-sandbox") and I tried to increase the container storage size, still we are getting the same exception.

Can someone help me to resolve this exception in Window docker using chromium binaries in VS2019 and VS2017?

Gowtham K