Image disappeared


It seems that the sequenceiq/ambassadord:0.5.0 image has disappeared.

It is an automated build from We have a lot of independent environments (dev/qa/preprod/prod) where this image is available. They all have the same imageId: c47190cf08ba8.

One of our new client tried to pull the same image like 2 weeks ago, and failed. DockerHub tells, that the automated build of sequenceiq/ambassadord:0.5.0 happened 3 months ago, with error. It’s size is 0byte…

The only explanation i cloud think of it: it was available earlier (around up to 11 weeks ago), and than it has disappeared. Maybe it is somehow connected to the docker hub 2.0 migration?

I assume it because if i talk to registry-1 api i still can list that tag:

GET /v1/repositories/sequenceiq/ambassadord/tags HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token ...

0.5.0 c47190cf08ba603bf2b76d5c360e61fe4d5204e4d2f04ee77eac59b507f1555c
0.5.1 ec920063043cc5d3b782a07ddd77be8e9e0460d513e82be1215bd0314c511da2

Docker pull

It seems that the image is still in a pullable state, so i really can’t explain why DockerHub lists the 0.5.0ntag as 0byte, with error status…

docker pull sequenceiq/ambassadord:0.5.0
0.5.0: Pulling from sequenceiq/ambassadord
428b411c28f0: Pull complete 
435050075b3f: Pull complete 
9fd3c8c9af32: Pull complete 
6d4946999d4f: Pull complete 
d161864d5423: Pull complete 
b39cfe4ace84: Pull complete 
4c2ab2cd54bc: Pull complete 
1a4bdb7ab0ad: Pull complete 
c47190cf08ba: Already exists 
Digest: sha256:5e75f17761bb4ab0ef71a3c0576b8fcf15053e0f4434d13c6c8f52a81c475d7d
Status: Downloaded newer image for sequenceiq/ambassadord:0.5.0