Issue in dockerfile: Service not starting Jobber

Hi all,

I have an issue which I do not understand on my own. Maybe one of you can give me a hint, how to proceed.

I want to use Jobber as a scheduler for scripts - Shell Scripts and SQL Scripts). Therefore I need to add the MYSQL-Client to the Jobber image.

I tried to achieve this by the following approach:


FROM jobber:latest
User root

RUN chmod +x ./
RUN ./

Content of

apk update
apk upgrade
apk add mysql-client
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*

My docker build command:

docker build . -t jobbermysql:20210110

My docker-compose file:

version: '3'

    image: jobbermysql:20210110
    container_name: jobbermysqlcompose
    restart: always
      - /home/docker/datapath/jobber/jobberuser:/home/jobberuser

The docker build works fine. but when I run an instance of my image jobbermysql:20210110 jobber always reports:

 jobbermysqlcompose | User root doesn't own jobfile

If I try to get some additional information / jobs via direct access to the running container (e.g. a jobber init command to understand the issues)

/home/jobberuser # jobber init
Jobber doesn't seem to be running for user root.
(No socket at /var/jobber/0/cmd.sock.): stat /var/jobber/0/cmd.sock: no such file or directory

If I restart the “old” default jobber version (without my modification of mysql-client) it’s working fine. And they both use the same volume mapping. So I think I have destroyed something in the docker build process.

Can somebody give me an hint?

Many Thanks and Kind regads