*New to Docker* Setting up Autodesk Inventor to run on Docker

Either I am severely lacking in my ability to perform a web search or perhaps no one has been exploring this avenue, but I want to explore the possibility of using docker to run Windows applications in linux. My specific need in this case is to create an Autodesk Inventor container (which means a windows base image, .NET 4.5, Direct3D, and Excel dependencies). I am not looking to pirate anyone’s software or anything like that. I just want to run Inventor on linux, with as few windows dependencies as possible.

I appreciate anyone’s help moving forward here, with basic steps. My understanding thus far is that I first need to make a windows container somehow. Then, after that do i make a dockerfile that will run the installation of my dependencies and Inventor? Can docker do the graphical installation properly?

Please, forgive my ignorance. This is my first time actually taking a look at docker.

From my knowledge, Docker uses the same kernel for clients and hosts. This means your linux host can only run linux container (and docker only runs on linux).

I think you need to use something like VirtualBox or KVM, which lets you run any OS inside the virtual machine.


At this point, Docker containers only run on Linux, so to run Windows applications, you need to do some research into using Wine, or running a virtual machine inside a container (weird, but possible) - which may or may not work with something as complicated as Autodesk.

The plan for Windows containers is to have them run on a Windows system - not to emulate Windows on Linux.

So - its possible - if it runs in Wine.