Not able to mount /usr/local/var from host using Docker compose on mac

I have some new clue. This is similar to another issue in another topic so I was confused and started to answer there referring partailly this issue.

I tried to mount /usr/local/var into the container again but I noticed the folder inside the container was empty. When I saved something into that folder it did not appear on the host. I stopped and deleted the container, deleted each volume and tried again, and the saved file was still there inside the container. After that I mounted the root file system and realised the saved file is on the virtual machine’s filesystem. So I did not have any error message because it could create a folder inside the VM.

When I mounted /opt/homebrew/data/postgres I got an error message. I am not sure what is the difference since none of these folders are enabled to mount in Docker Desktop settings.

However, I could finally allow to mount /opt/homebrew. I had to press Command + SHIFT + . in the file browser window after I selected “Maintosh HD” from the drop down list. The same solution worked for /usr/local/var but only if I had access to it without being an administrator.

It seems it was a good question after all which inspired me to test it.

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