Private Certificate Authority SSL certs

You saved my day buddy!

Thanks for sharing!

With the beta27 release, does it mean that this issue has been resolved?

With respect to the release notes for 1.12.2-rc1-beta27, where are the docs for the reference to the certificates directory? Given that there’s no slash in front of the “etc” I am looking for the location of this directory to get started.


@ carljmosca made it clear, your root CA certificate needs to be embedded in the Mac’s, and the app should be restarted. This was tested OK in version 18.03.1-ce, using the registry:2 image.

sudo mkdir -p /Applications/
sudo cp my_company_ca.cer /Applications/

First off, I think there’s a typo in the second command (it seems the “/etc/ssl/certs” portion of the path is duplicated. Secondly, what, if anything, may have changed with Docker 2.x?

This is not working for me.