Pulling a moving tag e.g. :prod

Hi community,

I have a question regarding tagging and pulling a container with a moving tag.
My company is using its own registry with http://port.us.org/ on top.

Here is what I do:

Build and tag a container. The :prod Tag is the moving part:

docker build -t dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller:git-e76c9da8 .
docker push dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller:git-e76c9da8

docker tag dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller:git-e76c9da8 dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller:jenkins-301
docker push dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller:jenkins-301 

docker tag dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller:git-e76c9da8 dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller:prod
docker push dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller:prod

After that, I immediately pull all tags of that image on a different machine and check the images hashes.

docker pull --all-tags dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller

docker images | grep my-controller | grep jenkins-301
dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller jenkins-301 c62893f10350 46 minutes ago 1.622 GB
docker images | grep my-controller | grep git-e76c9da8
dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller git-e76c9da8 c62893f10350 46 minutes ago 1.622 GB
docker images | grep my-controller | grep prod
dockreg.mydomain.de:5000/raas/my-controller prod 8cb175ff9b42 About an hour ago 1.622 GB

The :prod tag is an existing tag and has been set on a different revision before…
What I expect is, that the newly pushed tags will be on the the same revision, which is true for the git-e76c9da8 and jenkins-301 tag, but not for the :prod tag.

Is this the expected behavior? Is there anything I miss?

docker version is:

 Version:      1.11.2                   
 API version:  1.23                     
 Go version:   go1.5.4                  
 Git commit:   b9f10c9                  
 Built:        Wed Jun  1 21:20:08 2016 
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64              
 Version:      1.11.2                   
 API version:  1.23                     
 Go version:   go1.5.4                  
 Git commit:   b9f10c9                  
 Built:        Wed Jun  1 21:20:08 2016 
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64              

Best regards