I’m using docker in Ubuntu. Confirmed my OS is supported and is correctly installed (rootless).
Everything works swimmingly until I reach the line in my R code that exploits the parallel-processing version of the R function mapply (mcmapply). On the Linux instance I am using, I have 16 cores. In the R code, I run the function mcmapply explicitly setting the number of cores to 8. When the R program reaches the line that uses mcmapply, htop shows ALL 16 cores at full 100% utilization and the program freezes. I tried running the docker container explicitly constraining the CPU core utilization count to cores 0-7, which was successful. However, when running the R program in docker, the 8 cores reach 100% utilization and the program freezes.
Interestingly enough, in the same R code, there is a call to the parallelized version of the function lapply() (mclapply()) which works just fine. The only trouble is with the function mcmapply().
There are no esoteric messages in the docker logs or otherwise. How might you suggest I troubleshoot?
Many thanks.