Recently I realized Rancher Desktop has a command line interface to restart Docker. Rancher Desktop is mainly for Kubernetes, but if you don’t need the features of Docker Desktop (configuration of the Docker daemon, Docker Extensions, Development Environment, browsing your images on Docker Hub) and you really need to be able to restart Docker from command line, maybe Rancher Desktop is what you want.
» rdctl --help
The eventual goal of this CLI is to enable any UI-based operation to be done from the command-line as well.
rdctl [command]
Available Commands:
api Run API endpoints directly
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
factory-reset Clear all the Rancher Desktop state and shut it down.
help Help about any command
list-settings Lists the current settings.
set Update selected fields in the Rancher Desktop UI and restart the backend.
shell Run an interactive shell or a command in a Rancher Desktop-managed VM
shutdown Shuts down the running Rancher Desktop application
start Start up Rancher Desktop, or update its settings.
version Shows the CLI version.
--config-path string config file (default /Users/ta/Library/Application Support/rancher-desktop/rd-engine.json)
-h, --help help for rdctl
--host string default is localhost; most useful for WSL
--password string overrides the password setting in the config file
--port string overrides the port setting in the config file
--user string overrides the user setting in the config file
Use "rdctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
One day Docker Desktop could have a similar interface if it is required by many users