Route on on server leads to connection not establishing to china region office network (cannot connect to

Hi team,

Please need your help on the below

docker swarm setup is done on this server

there is one route in server (route -n command will show the routes on server)
route info
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 0 0 0 docker_gwbridge

because of this route the china region when conencted from office is not able to access the apps installed on the server (some apps are installed as docker containers and other app is installed as application itself on server)

China region at offcie users → cannot connect to

and whe ni check the docker conatianers which are hosted on the server → all contaienrs are using the ip adderess range 10.0.XX.XX/XX and not 172.24.XX/XX/XX.

when we checked with network team they said this route → ( U 0 0 0 docker_gwbridge) → on server leads to connection not establishing to china region office network (cannot connect to url)

wehn i checked this artcile(Use overlay networks | Docker Documentation) they said we can customize the docker_gwbridge interface network

seems we can customize the

when i executed this comamnd → docker network inspect docker_gwbridge | grep IPv4Address
“IPv4Address”: “172.24.0.XX/XX”,
etc (range is 172.24 …)

[root@CMUSCOMGITSPAP01 /]# docker network ls
195120a9eb4a docker_gwbridge bridge local

have any one faced similar kind of issues
is it a way we can stop the route (or down the route) and not deleting the route