Run docker as a service

I was able to run Docker before login using methods above: 1) Creating a scheduled task, 2) Using python to create the service that calls the Docker Desktop executable and waits for it to open, 3) Use NSSM ( ) to create a service that runs a batch file (and runs the same python code as in #2).

The problem is that I need to give my windows user credentials to the service in order for it to work. If I try to use the Local System account, it doesn’t work. I even tried adding the system account to the docker-users group and it didn’t work. We would like our software to come up after boot and before login and not require the user to update their password in the service every time they change their password. Is there a way to do this?

Edit: I was able to create a scheduled task that uses my account but does not save a password. This is less preferable to a service but may fit our needs for now.