Running a custum application on docker


I just started to run some applications like apache, mysql, … on docker and now i’m trying to run a custom application (only a bash script with .so files) on Docker, this application not need any environment setup just a Linux fresh installation because all that application needs is inside one folder.

Please how can i do that ?


The Docker documentation has a very good tutorial on building and running custom images.


Thanks for the reply, as my application is just a bash script with everything included in one folder so we need just to import a Debian or Ubuntu image, create a new container, copy the hole folder in /opt or anywhere and run the script.


To reiterate, the Docker documentation has a very good tutorial on building and running custom images. The image you describe should be very easy to build; the Dockerfile will look something like

FROM ubuntu:16.04
COPY /usr/bin
RUN chmod 0755 /usr/bin/
CMD [""]

and then you can run

docker build -t myimage .
docker run --rm -it myimage

Hi @dmaze

Yes this is very helpful
