Some docker image tag as none

I build a docker image and push it to my custom registry with a relevant tag. But when I pull it from my registry it is shown below. Some images pulled from the official docker registry. Can anyone explain why the image tag is shown as ?

[root@host ~]# docker images
REPOSITORY                                      TAG                   IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                a1dbe7adbec5        36 hours ago        179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                227e89445050        3 days ago          179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                61e974a9826a        3 days ago          179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                31cff9189699        3 days ago          179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                e162884209fd        3 days ago          179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                a37971687a89        4 days ago          179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                fb9a11b5a40f        4 days ago          179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                0746e28687e5        4 days ago          179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                8c021e37ffd7        10 days ago         179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                f0be13d079af        2 weeks ago         179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                274d8eae34c0        3 weeks ago         179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                afdd961b2197        3 weeks ago         179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                03b7fcb66d47        3 weeks ago         179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                8a9ccad05594        3 weeks ago         179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                77c4841c3086        3 weeks ago         179MB
my_registry_com/reposity_name/video-chat-app   <none>                d6bbf1b09f42        3 weeks ago         179MB
mysql                                          <none>                afa411733b0c        5 weeks ago         302MB
mariadb                                        <none>                b6184b68d1fd        5 weeks ago         357MB
mariadb                                        10.5.2                fd055a110f74        5 weeks ago         360MB
kelum_app                                      latest                57296b7b5a4f        5 weeks ago         137MB
kelum_ssl                                      latest                cbcbc204c4d6        5 weeks ago         21.7MB
nginx                                          1.17.9-alpine         377c0837328f        2 months ago        19.7MB
openjdk                                        8u212-jre-alpine3.9   f7a292bbb70c        12 months ago       84.9MB
[root@host ~]# 
