Tar command not found in rhel6


I am new to linux and docker. I am trying to download a file and tar it.
But it says /bin/sh: tar: command not found.

Can some one help. This is my dockerfile:

FROM rhel6

#RUN yum -y install wget

RUN yum update -y && yum clean all

#RUN yum -y install tar

RUN curl -OL http://username:pwd@downloads.datastax.com/enterprise/dse-4.0.3-bin.tar.gz

RUN curl -OL http://username:pwd@downloads.datastax.com/enterprise/opscenter-4.0.3.tar.gz

RUN echo $PATH

RUN tar -xzvf opscenter-4.0.3.tar.gz

RUN rm *.tar.gz

Try the full path of tar:
RUN /bin/tar -xzvf opscenter-4.0.3.tar.gz

I tried /bin/tar /usr/bin/tar. But none of them worked.

You should connect to your docker and check the result of “yum -y install tar”.
I guess the command failed. Maybe because you do not register your RHEL6 and so you can not install new packages.