TLS over context

Issue type:

Security - TLS/context

OS Version/build:

Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

App version:

  • docker-ce: Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701
  • docker-compose-plugin: Docker Compose version v2.4.1
  • swarn mode: inactive
  • tested on: docker-on-docker (docker:dind)


  • Trying to start a tls connection using docker command line args is successiful
  • Trying to configure context for tls is failing

Steps to reproduce:

  • Start two docker-in-docker containers (dind)
    • make sure port 2376 is exposed to network from the one acting as server
    # client
    docker run -d --privileged --name=dinder docker:dind;
    # server
    docker run --rm --privileged --name=dind --expose 2376 docker:dind;
    • make sure the configuration is done
  • get containers ip
    docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $(docker ps -aq);
    # # dind
    # # dinder
  • start sh shell inside every container
    # every command in separate shell
    docker exec -it dind sh;
    docker exec -it dinder sh;
  • view and copy contensts of ca files
    # client ... server
    /certs/client/ca.pem ... ca.pem
    /certs/client/cert.pem .. cert.pem
    /certs/client/key.pem ... key.pem
  • Try listing images and pulling from inside client from both containers
    ## >>> inside client
    docker images;
    # REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
    ## >>> inside server
    docker -H --tlsverify --tlscacert=ca.pem --tlscert=cert.pem --tlskey=key.pem images;
    # REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE...
    docker -H --tlsverify --tlscacert=ca.pem --tlscert=cert.pem --tlskey=key.pem pull alpine;
    # ...
      docker -H --tlsverify --tlscacert=ca.pem --tlscert=cert.pem --tlskey=key.pem images;
    # REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
    # alpine       latest    9c6f07244728   4 weeks ago   5.54MB
    docker images;
    # REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE...
    ## >>> inside client
    docker images;
    # REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
    # alpine       latest    9c6f07244728   4 weeks ago   5.54MB
    # make sure which ip is for the client
    ip a;
    # ...  inet ...
  • try using context
    # setup context
    docker context create web --description "dind server via web interface" --docker="host=tcp://";
    docker context use web;
    # verify context working
    docker context ls;
    # NAME      ... DOCKER ENDPOINT ...
    # default      ... unix:///var/run/docker.sock ...
    # web *        ... tcp://
    ## >>> error reproduced
    docker images;
    docker --tlsverify --tlscacert=ca.pem --tlscert=cert.pem --tlskey=key.pem images;
    # Error response from daemon: Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.
    # get TLS storage path
    docker context inspect -f '{{.Storage.TLSPath}}' web;
    # /root/.docker/contexts/tls/..
    ls /root/.docker/contexts/tls/
    # ls: ...: No such file or directory
    # create TLS storage dir
    mkdir /root/.docker/contexts/tls/
    mkdir /root/.docker/contexts/tls/...
    # copy certs to TLS storage path
    cp *.pem /root/.docker/contexts/tls/.../
    ## >>> error reproduced again
    docker images;
    docker --tlsverify --tlscacert=ca.pem --tlscert=cert.pem --tlskey=key.pem images;
    # Error response from daemon: Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.


  1. I notice this field in context inspect but donā€™t understand how to configuer it

    "TLSMaterial": {},
  2. I used this run dind container and every thing is going well with no tls on port 2375
    but this is not secure

  3. docker contect is needed so one could use compose / swarn / k8 normally with tls connection and no need for setting it with every command

  4. I may be missing reloading certs ! and also I donā€™t understand how to do so


  • How to set up context to use TLS by default in with a correct manner ?
  • Is it available to set it up to run with any ORCHESTRATOR with no further configuration ?

A forum search for ā€œdocker context tlsā€ brought me to a thread with an old post of mine: How do you create a context for a remote tls daemon? - #3 by meyay

Just follow the example and replace the windows paths from the example with your linux paths.

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Thanks thatā€™s what I was missing
All the configuration appeared in the inspect and certs copied to tls path as well

docker context inspect web;
#        "TLSMaterial": {
#            "docker": [
#                "ca.pem",
#                "cert.pem",
#                "key.pem"
#            ]
#        },
#        "Storage": {
#            "MetadataPath": "/root/.docker/contexts/meta/...",
#            "TLSPath": "/root/.docker/contexts/tls/..."
#        }
#    }

ls /root/.docker/contexts/tls/.../docker
# ca.pem    cert.pem  key.pem

Thanks a lot @meyay for both comments

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I moved the topic from ā€œTips & Howtosā€ to ā€œOpen Source Projects Ā» DockerEngineā€. Please, keep the ā€œTips & Howtosā€ category for actual tips and find a proper category for questions. :slight_smile: Thank you!

Now you can also mark @meyayā€™s post as solution, since that button appears in this category but not in Tips & Howtos nor in General descussion.

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Thanks and excuse me as Iā€™m relatively new I picked the most near catagory of what I know but having a solution button is great

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