Troubles to run dhcp-structural-pipelines-measures via docker

Hi, I am new here and I am not very familiar with docker and python. I wonder which is the syntax to execute the software biomedia/dhcp-structural-pipeline-measures via docker. I have found in this site “” that there exist such a command. So I first did:
docker pull biomedia/dhcp-structural-pipeline-measures:latest

and then

docker run biomedia/dhcp-structural-pipeline-measures:latest /data/participants.csv /data --reporting -t 8

then I get:

Reporting for the dHCP pipeline

Derivatives directory: /data/derivatives
participants.tsv: /data/participants.tsv
datadir: /data
scriptdir: /usr/src/structural-pipeline-measures/scripts
reportsdir: /data/reports
logdir: /data/logs
reporting: 0

/usr/src/structural-pipeline-measures/ /data/participants.tsv /data --reporting -t 8

tsv file /data/participants.tsv not found

the format of my tsv file is as follows:
ID009 m 33
ID010 m 40

Could anybody tell me please what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance