Unable to connect to GPSD on port 2947 from Bridge mode, but able to from host mode. Why?

This used to be true, and is still true when your system uses a Linux Kernel < 4.11. For Kernel 4.11 and later docker takes care of lifting that restriction.

See: Non-root user able to bind to port 80; why? - #6 by meyay

Small note: images are the blueprints that are stored local, in registries or transferred on the wire when pulling/pushing an image. The runtime instance is a container.

If GPSD listens on port 2947/tcp or 2947/udp, it shouldn’t matter if the SignalK container is attached to the host network, or a bridge network. Since traffic coming from a bridge network is source natted (container ip replaced with host ip), it will appear like the traffic was send from the host directly.

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