Unable to open docker , i am getting the error message as "expose daemon on tcp not enabled". I'm trying to run this on Linux

Unable to open docker, I am getting the error message as “expose daemon on TCP not enabled”. I’m trying to run this on Linux

Hello Varshanihanth,

do you mean when you run docker command without any option or command it is throwing the error?
Could you brief about your setup and version of docker you are running.

Hi Arun,

I am using

OS : Ubuntu 18.0.2
Docker : 18.09.5
API Version : 1.39

Below are the attached screenshots which shows the exact error what I am facing.

Hello Varshanihanth,

Error in screenshot says “E:Malformed line 51 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist), E:The list of sources could not be read.source”. Is this the same one you are talking about. If yes then you can fix it by updating source.list file.you can take help of below articles:


Please make sure to backup `sources.list file first.

Otherwise I would recommend to uninstall and reinstall docker using following article.

Still facing the same issue Arun , is there anyother way to install and run the scripts.