Before explaining in details my problem, I just want to make clear that I don’t want to interact with the GUI of an application running inside a Windows container.
Here is my problem, we are using Windows based container inside our CI to build a dotnet application that rely on legacy components. One of those components is some kind of compiler that run inside a GUI. It can be called from the command line with the “silent” argument to perform the compilation without any user interaction. Another argument “consoleoutput” allows to output the result to the console. But it’s kind of strange because when called the console is directly “released” (it doesn’t wait for the end of the program execution) and the output is written in the console afterwards.
I’m not able the make this particular program work inside the container, I don’t have any output in the console and the compiled file is not generated. It seems the “silent” option only hide the main window as soon as it is created. My best guess is that the program fails under docker because it can’t create the windows as there is no gui. Maybe it’s not the problem but it’s quite hard to debug.
Do you think there is a way to make it work ? As stated I don’t care about the GUI, I just want the program to run.