Access host (not vm) from inside container

Yes. It seems we’re in violent agreement here. We’ve gone a long way to try and achieve this and we want to make sure that the experience for Mac users is the same as the experience on Linux.

My question is perhaps more related to this statement:

You can’t curl myhost.local in Docker on Linux either, unless you manually inject something like with --add-host.

Imagine you are on a Linux desktop, running Docker and need to achieve the exact same use case as you’ve explained already. What do you do?

I’ve already outlined how I might do it… but I’d like to see how other’s might achieve the same thing. I’m hoping this will lead us in the direction of a solution that works for Docker for Mac users (i.e some networking magic we have to do on the VM to make this work).

I don’t think Docker for Mac managing loopback interfaces is a good idea for the reasons @justincormack mentioned + we’d be diverging from the Linux UX by adding a magic IP or Name that’s reachable from within all containers.