My first post ever on this forum.
I am trying to find a solution to what I think is a simple problem.
I want my app within a docker container to access the host network (and devices on the network) - what the app I’m developing needs to do is listing the mac addresses and ips (arp / nmap) of the devices on the host network.
I start the container using docker compose v3
The application needs to be accessible from outside and the application needs to be able to list devices on the host network.
I’ve been looking around for a couple of days but can’t find the right settings it seems.
I am wondering how to do something similar too. I have an app within a container started via Compose and am trying to access another app running outside of the container on the host machine. From what I can tell, it connects when I use the host’s “external” IP address. Of course, this IP address continually changes so its not a good idea to use it. It does not work when I attempt to use the 192.x.x.x IP address. I am also not able to use the variable in Compose or localhost or 127.x.x.x. I should add that I am starting my container in Compose with the network_mode: "host" set.
Is there some variable that is available to Compose that can access the other IP address? Maybe, something like
@nolazybits have you tried using to access your app?