Amazon ECR not supported

Seems like Amazon ECR is not supported, or at least not recognised.

Registry not supported: (are you sure this is a registry?)

Any ideas on how to fix it?


Sorry about that. I can confirm there are issues with ECR. At this time we’re investigating why Docker Cloud (which implements native support for Docker Registry Open API) is not compatible with AWS Elastic Container Registry service.

I would say it’s because there is no actual username-password. I would recommend having a JSON text box so that we can paste there the credentials as stored in the login config file.

The problem is due to AWS ECR not implementing the full extent of the standard open API for the Docker Registry. Docker Cloud attempts to get a list of tags in a given repository when importing it and ECR returns a 404 in spite of Docker Cloud using the standard API calls. Unfortunately, unless ECR implements support to list tags in a repository, we won’t be able to support ECR in Docker Cloud. We’ll continue to investigate.

Oh god ok, then I will install my own private registry. It is good to know that the ECR is not standard registry!

Is there a way to have Docker Cloud use images that I have in my EC2 Container Registry. I am using AWS to host my nodes so it only makes sense to have my images there also.

I tried to add an image from my ECR registry by going to “Repository dashboard” -> “Add from a third party registry” … and supplying the URL to my AWS ECR registry and providing a user-name and password for a AWS user that has “AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly” policy attached, but Docker Cloud comes up with an error “Registry not supported: (xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) (are you sure this is a registry?)”

If Docker Cloud can deplopy to my AWS account with credentials I supply, but can’t read from my Image Registry on AWS then this whole Docker Cloud + AWS, exercise because less practical.

Same here. Would love to have ECR support.

And same here. With the ECR not supporting the full API now I don’t see this going forward anyway soon. I would NOT recommend the decker cloud team to try and hook into the non standard ECR but rather bug
the AWS team to implement the missing pieces otherwise more non-standard mechanisms may arise.

I cannot but agree with that. We have switched to a self hosted private

We’re working to try and resolve this directly with AWS.


Hi Bojra, Great news! Is there a chance you could update us with some info?

Any news on this issue are very appreciated.

Any thing happening with progress on this issue?

Waiting for news as well. Workarounds also appreciated.

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Is there any update on this?

Any update on this? is it still unsupported?