Analyzing long docker build

Hi, sorry for what I am sure is a newby question. I am trying to do my first docker build with a context of 17GB. Everything ran fine until i tried to ADD the 17GB tgz file, but the build has ben stuck there for 5hours+. I am using a private registry. Here is the STDOUT, but I am not able to determine if the build is progressing on this step. Is there a way I can determine that?

[root@vlsj-djap1 IES15.1]# docker tag ubuntu:latest vlsj-djap1:5000/ubuntu-local:latest
[root@vlsj-djap1 IES15.1]# docker push vlsj-djap1:5000/ubuntu-local:latest
The push refers to a repository [vlsj-djap1:5000/ubuntu-local] (len: 1)
fa81ed084842: Image already exists
e04c66a223c4: Image successfully pushed
7e2c5c55ef2c: Image successfully pushed
e118faab2e16: Image successfully pushed
Digest: sha256:6b9b2ba000c957ffb9618e3683bbd6253564dde9e93c98389ed69c27d67af2f7
[root@vlsj-djap1 IES15.1]# docker build -t vlsj-djap1:5000/ies15.1-local --tag=“v1” .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.47 GB
Sending build context to Docker daemon
Step 0 : FROM vlsj-djap1:5000/ubuntu-local:latest
—> fa81ed084842
Step 1 : MAINTAINER David Pena ""
—> Using cache
—> 6386d697f646
Step 2 : RUN echo ‘IES15.1 container invoked’
—> Using cache
—> ede24d64bba8
Step 3 : EXPOSE 80
—> Using cache
—> b18528aef1f9
Step 4 : EXPOSE 5280-5281
—> Using cache
—> 8e5d008a2b60
Step 5 : WORKDIR /grid/avs/install/incisive/15.1/CBETA15.10.301-b/
—> Using cache
—> 3fc76435366e
Step 6 : ADD CBETA15_10_b301_lnx86.tgz .

Perhaps you could use VOLUME to rather mount that big file than copying via ADD.