Authentication issue with Go client and artifactory


I’m trying to use the Go docker client to pull images from my company’s artifactory. I’ve setup the client as follows :

dockerClient, _ := client.NewClientWithOpts(

// Custom function to retrieve the credentials from host store
username, token, _ := getCredentialsFromHelper()

authConfig := registry.AuthConfig{
    Username: username,
    // Password:      token,
    // IdentityToken: token,
    RegistryToken: token,
    ServerAddress: "",
authStr, _ := registry.EncodeAuthConfig(authConfig)

reader, err := dockerClient.ImagePull(
        RegistryAuth: authStr,
if err != nil {

For the sake of clarity, I removed error handling, except where I get my actual error :
panic: Error response from daemon: Get "": EOF

I’m able to use the docker cli to pull the exact same image (meaning that my stored credentials are working just fine). I tried to look at the implementation of the docker CLI but I was not able to see what I was missing. Does anyone has a clue ?

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