Bash script to monitor service replicas on manager


Can we monitor service replicas from a manager node using a bash script? I googled but didn’t find any useful documents. Can you please help me with this.

A quick response will be appreciated.


What do you mean by “monitor service replicas” ?

Counting how many replicas the service has ?

docker service ps myServiceName --filter desired-state=running --format "{{.Name}}"|wc -l

should do the trick

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If you prefer to go wild on json output instead, try docker service ps myServiceName --filter desired-state=running --format='{{json .}}'. Then pipe it into jq and do whatever you like with it!

Update: instead of returning a sinlge json array with all replica elements, it returns all replicas in a seperate json, which kind of beats the idea to do some jq magic on the output. Pitty.