Bind for failed: port is already allocated

Hi! HELP ME PLEASE… I have a problem. I installed Llama 3.1, and the installation went fine. However, when I click on Docker Desktop under Ports: 3000:8080, I don’t see the square with the arrow symbol next to it. It identifies the allocated port but gives me this error: (HTTP code 500) server error - driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint open-webui df89b4e0991344293ccf4fab8a09fe29f0950bbf70e382567cb5a63609f2b837): Bind for failed: port is already allocated. I have multiple computers, but I only encounter this problem on one of them.

Do you have any other container running and using this port?

Use netstat -tulpn to check for currently used ports.

I find It!
There was perplexity. I remove it (I didn’t use) and now is right. Thanks

I listened your and after test I red check Docker and I founded that Perplexity used the same port.