Bind mount options for case insensitive


I need a volume or mount point I can use across mutliple container instances, which should be mounted case insensitive (like cpiofs could do). But I have not yet found a way to do. Maybe anyone here has some good ideas?


can u explain more… not sure what you mean


I have a docker container set up to use a host directory via --mount or -v
This container is designed to run in multiple instances, but every one of them will use the very same directory.

Now insight the container, I need this folder somehow mounted with a case insensitive option. So a bit like on windows. /data/TEXT.FILE is the same as /data/text.file.

On a normal linux box I could try to compile cpiofs, but inside a docker that would blow it up (gcc, and a lot of dev stuff needed). Or I could have a ntfs formattted file and loopo mount it, etc. But here I will need an option for docker.

So is there an case insensitive option for docker do mount a volume? (would be the best option)
Or as a workaround, can I share a disk/volume, which I could format from insight the container?

thanks… understand now…

but, no… if the host volume is on linux you will get case sensitive.

if the host volume is on window, then not