Browsing Service's Containers in Swarm mode

I’ve created 3 vm using docker-machine:

    docker-machine create -d virtualbox manager1
    docker-machine create -d virtualbox worker1
    docker-machine create -d virtualbox worker2

these are theirs ip:

    docker-machine ls
    NAME      ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM   DOCKER    ERRORS
    manager   -        virtualbox   Running tcp://                                   v1.12.6
    worker1   -        virtualbox   Running   tcp://           v1.13.0-rc5  
    worker2   -        virtualbox   Running   tcp://           v1.13.0-rc5   

Then docker-machine ssh manager1


`docker swarm init --advertise-addr`

then worker1 and worker2 join to the swarm.

Now i’ve created a overlay network as:

docker network create -d overlay skynet

and deployed a service in global mode (1 task for node):

docker service create --name http --network skynet --mode global -p 8200:80 katacoda/docker-http-server

And there is effectively 1 container (task) for node.

Now, i’d like accessind directly to my virtual host… or, at least, i’d like browsing directly my service’s container, because of i’d like developing a load balancer of my service with nginx.
For doing that, in my nginx conf file, i’d like to point to a specific service’container (i.e. now i have 3 node (1 manager and 2 workers) in global mode, so i have 3 tasks running–>i’d like to choose one of these 3 containers).
How can i do that?

[edit]: i can point to my swarm nodes simply browsing to VM_IP:SERVICE_PORT, i.e:

but there is still internal load balancing.
I was thinking that, if i point to a specific swarm node, i’ll use container inside that specific node. But nothing, for now.

Why do you want to skip the built-in load balancing across replicas?

Because i’ve developed a cdn using docker swarm and i’d like using a load balancer not only round robin but also depending on other policies. I’ve solved the problem: i can access to service’s container using docker 1.13 using --publish mode=host flag.

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