Call from inside a docker container commands in the host bash. Possible?

Hey everyone. :v:

I have a fundamental question about docker.

Is it possible to call from inside a docker container commands in the host bash?

I have a nodejs app with shelljs running on a raspberry pi 4.
E. g. I am reading the temp from my pi with shelljs with my nodejs app.
Now I want to containerize my app.
Is there a way to get out of the container and execute commands in the host bash?

I would be very happy about your help! :slightly_smiling_face:

Need to be clear, do you need to run a command in the host bash or just access the host file system? In this last case, mount the host temp in the container (not in / tmp)

Thanks for your reply.
I need to run commands in the host bash, e. g. to open chromium with a specific url.

mmm, you can launch script trough SSH command