Can I run docker run with mpiexec to execute mpi c program?

I would like to run docker with optional flags such as -it, --memory, --cpu … to execute an mpi program in c with mpiexec. is this possible?


What’s the actual problem? I don’t know what mpiexdc or mpi c program is. Why do you have problem with the options?

Let’s make it simple. Can I run a bash script whithin a docker run command? For example:

docker run --cpu … mpiexec ./bash_script


It depends on the entrypoint script set up (in Dockerfile). Sometimes you can pass shell commands, sometimes it’s just additional CLI arguments for the pre-set command.

You can overwrite entrypoint with docker run --entrypoint.

As @bluepuma77 wrote. But if you tried and had an error message which you can share, we can try to explain it.

Of course if mpiexec is a command and not the name of the image, you need that command and shell script to be inside the container as well.

How come when I do:

$ sudo docker run busy_ritchiegolang

Then do:

$sudo docker ps

There is an empty list?


$ sudo docker ps -a
8680f0ed0b6e golang “bash” 17 seconds ago Exited (0) 16 seconds ago busy_ritchie
ab115bfc466a golang “bash” 2 minutes ago Exited (0) 2 minutes ago nervous_dijkstra
cdc002595d38 golang “bash” 7 minutes ago Exited (0) 7 minutes ago eager_yalow

I see that the containers were create.

I did do:B

$ sudo systemctl restart docker.socket


$ sudo systemctl restart docker

But this didn’t work.

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Example code block:

echo "I am a code."
echo "An athletic one, and I wanna run."

Because based on your outputs, you run a bash only, nothing that keeps the container alive. If you don’t keep a container alive with a running process, it will stop as it is not a virtual machine and shell will not stay alive unless you ask for an interactive terminal. If you don’t share a specific issue with commands, config files or anything that is required to reproduce the issue, it is hard to say anything useful, but I can share some links I usually recommend to learn the basics.

Recommended links to learn the basics and concepts:

The last link is (currently) about Docker Desktop which is Docker CE in a virtual machine whith a GUI.

Thanks, I will look at this.