Cannot connect to mosquitto using desktop

I have docker desktop installed to replace a dying Pi that had pihoe and mosquitto installed. I got pihole image installed and running, but when I install mosquitto, I cannot connect to it (toke/mosquitto). The config file is as follows:

pid_file /var/run/
allow_anonymous true
persistence true
persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/
listener 1883
log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d

I don’t have any firewall installed on this machine. A netstat -ab sees the pihole ports, but not mosquitto.
What am I missing?

That’s not a Docker config. How do you run the container?

On docker desktop, I searched for mosquitto, pulled it and ran it. In that container, I then went into the files under mosquitto.conf and made those changes

What are the settings to run it? Did you publish any container ports to the host machine?

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