You were not supposeed to put the whole post into a single code block, only the code. I fixed it for you now.
Also you are using Rancher DEsktop, which is not Docker DEsktop, so I moved your question out of the Docker Desktop related topic.
Regarding the error message, I made a blogpost about this recently, which I shared on the forum as well
I haven’t mentioned Rancher Desktop directly in that post, but you can find links to previous posts where I did. How it.
Your commands show that your current wsl distro is an opensuse. I don’t know if Rancher Desktop supports WSL integration. If not, run your commands directly on the Windows host.
Based on Docker Desktop, I can say you should not expect findind a dockerd process in your custom wsl distro as it will run in the docker desktop distribution. In case of Rancher dEsktop, it must be “rancher-desktop”.