Cannot run 'docker exec' on Ubuntu 16.04 on Linux on Z

I created a container using

docker run -dit --name ub1604_test s390x/ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash

I then tried to run another bash session by doing

docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash

but got this error:

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "open /dev/pts/4294967296: no such file or directory": unknown

I’m using Docker CE 17.12.1 on Ubuntu 16.04.1.

Also tried Docker CE 17.09 and saw the same error. However docker exec works for me on Docker CE 17.06.2.

Could it be a setup issue? I installed docker using instructions from this page Ubuntu | Docker Docs


Hi Vivan,
Did you find a fix to this problem?
I’m seeing the similar problem in docker 18.09.01 running Ubuntu 16.04 on aarch64

ubuntu@tegra-ubuntu:~$ docker exec -it 5879d6e8dc7b /bin/bash

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused “open /dev/pts/19: no such file or directory”: unknown

The problem I saw was fixed in Docker 18.03. You can see the details here: