Can't get passed "non-zero code: 2" error during a docker build

I have a simple Dockerfile that only installs WebSphere Application Server (WAS) v7. Docker build attempt returns an error code 2 as seen here:

Step 4 : RUN /tmp/WAS/install -options /tmp/responsefile.base.txt -silent
—> Running in 717b5cfd6d11
The command ‘/bin/sh -c /tmp/WAS/install -options /tmp/responsefile.base.txt -silent’ returned a non-zero code: 2

No users or groups are being configured so installation will be installed by root.

Executing this command (/tmp/WAS/install -options /tmp/responsefile.base.txt -silent) manually inside the container works!

The install script is provided by IBM and is quite long… I’ve identified that the build fails on the last portion of the script when invoked by Docker RUN which proves to me that the command I’ve entered for the Docker RUN is valid.

Any suggestions?