Can't get trivial autotest to run

I’m trying to get automated testing to work on a trivial example, as per …

… and I must be missing something obvious. I can’t seem to get the test to even run at all, though my image is being auto-built and pushed just fine.

I have the following 3 files in my source repo and I have followed the directions on the page linked above to turn on the Autotest option for “Internal and external pull requests”.


FROM debian:stable
WORKDIR /workspace
COPY /usr/local/bin


  build: .

echo "Running FAILED"
exit 1

Pushing a commit to the source repo triggers a build on Docker Hub that outputs the following and then reports SUCCESS.

Building in Docker Cloud's infrastructure...
Cloning into '.'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
Switched to a new branch 'docker-testing'
Pulling cache layers for
KernelVersion: 4.4.0-1060-aws
Components: [{u'Version': u'18.03.1-ee-3', u'Name': u'Engine', u'Details': {u'KernelVersion': u'4.4.0-1060-aws', u'Os': u'linux', u'BuildTime': u'2018-08-30T18:42:30.000000000+00:00', u'ApiVersion': u'1.37', u'MinAPIVersion': u'1.12', u'GitCommit': u'b9a5c95', u'Arch': u'amd64', u'Experimental': u'false', u'GoVersion': u'go1.10.2'}}]
Arch: amd64
BuildTime: 2018-08-30T18:42:30.000000000+00:00
ApiVersion: 1.37
Platform: {u'Name': u''}
Version: 18.03.1-ee-3
MinAPIVersion: 1.12
GitCommit: b9a5c95
Os: linux
GoVersion: go1.10.2
Starting build of
Step 1/3 : FROM debian:stable
---> 39bd7db3d7b5
Step 2/3 : WORKDIR /workspace
---> Using cache
---> 06954879f178
Step 3/3 : COPY /usr/local/bin
---> 75316af1abec
Successfully built 75316af1abec
Successfully tagged rdzman/test:test
Build finished

But locally, I get the following …

$ docker run -it rdzman/test:test
Running FAILED
$ echo $?

What am I missing?

1 Like

Alternatively, could someone point me to a complete “Hello World”-level example of a working auto test setup, ideally with a failing test that would prevent the pushing of the auto build?

Thanks in advance.

Try this to debug.

  1. Run a container from your image and bring up a bash shell.

    docker container run -it rdzman/test:test bash

  2. Once inside the container’s bash prompt run your script.

Thanks. But that gives exactly the same result. The script runs fine, indicating that it FAILED and it returns a non-zero (1) exit code.

The issue is that for some reason it seems the auto-test is not being run at all as part of the auto-build process.

Ok, I’m starting to understand somewhat now. You are expecting the script to fail in your test, and it does locally when you run a container from the rdzman/test image. But when you push the rdzman/test docker image to Docker Hub the “auto build test” is not being triggered?


You asked for a complete “Hello World”-level example of a working auto test setup.

Let it be said, let it be written, let it be done.


I just figured out why your automated test is not being triggered.
Your docker compose yml file name is incorrect.
Rename your docker-compose.test.yml file to docker-compose-test.yml and push that change up to your GitHub or Bitbucket repository. That should trigger the Automated Build and Test on your Docker Hub image repository.

Exactly! You got it. That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.

OK, I tried renaming docker-compose.test.yml to docker-compose-test.yml, but it doesn’t seem to have made any difference. The test still isn’t running. I will point out that documentation on Automated repository tests page says docker-compose.test.yml, not docker-compose-test.yml. But neither appears to be working for me.

I can’t see the build logs for your HelloWorld example here (to confirm that it’s running the auto test), but I guess I’ll try follow everything exactly to see if I can get it to work on my accounts.

Well, I just renamed my docker-compose-test.yml file to docker-compose.test.yml and pushed that change up.
The build kicked off and the test ran!


I just forked your helloworld and set up my own auto build on Docker Hub and I can confirm that it does run the tests.

So, the mystery remains … what is wrong with the setup of mine that does not work?

Can you post more details on your docker-compose.test.yml file and a screen capture of the Build Logs (similar to my screen capture).

The full content of my Dockerfile, docker-compose.test.yml and build log are in my initial post.

Try this in your docker-compose.test.yml file. I’m shooting in the dark here myself.

version: '3.3'

   build: .

I had the same thought, but it doesn’t seem to have made a difference. I’m still getting the following. Is it something with my Dockerfile?

Building in Docker Cloud's infrastructure...
Cloning into '.'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
Switched to a new branch 'docker-testing'
Pulling cache layers for
KernelVersion: 4.4.0-1060-aws
Components: [{u'Version': u'18.03.1-ee-3', u'Name': u'Engine', u'Details': {u'KernelVersion': u'4.4.0-1060-aws', u'Os': u'linux', u'BuildTime': u'2018-08-30T18:42:30.000000000+00:00', u'ApiVersion': u'1.37', u'MinAPIVersion': u'1.12', u'GitCommit': u'b9a5c95', u'Arch': u'amd64', u'Experimental': u'false', u'GoVersion': u'go1.10.2'}}]
Arch: amd64
BuildTime: 2018-08-30T18:42:30.000000000+00:00
ApiVersion: 1.37
Platform: {u'Name': u''}
Version: 18.03.1-ee-3
MinAPIVersion: 1.12
GitCommit: b9a5c95
Os: linux
GoVersion: go1.10.2
Starting build of
Step 1/3 : FROM debian:stable
---> 39bd7db3d7b5
Step 2/3 : WORKDIR /workspace
---> Using cache
---> 36f2877ebb1f
Step 3/3 : COPY /usr/local/bin
---> Using cache
---> ddcdf40b4b98
Successfully built ddcdf40b4b98
Successfully tagged rdzman/test:test
Build finished

I don’t see a CMD or ENTRYPOINT in the build log from your Dockerfile. That might be the problem. Do you have a CMD or ENTRYPOINT in your Dockerfile?

No, that wasn’t the issue :frowning: I finally found it after taking my fork of your working helloworld repo and modifying things step-by-step until it was identical to mine and still working, while my original was still not working. At this point, I began to question my sanity.

The culprit … an invisible space at the end of my docker-compose.test.yml filename!!! :crazy_face:

I can’t believe I didn’t think to check for something like that immediately. But thanks, Gary, for your time and the working example. I was missing the version and services lines in my docker-compose.test.yml file and having something that worked was what finally allowed me to track down the culprit.

So, thanks a ton!


Awesome! Glad you got it working.